Polling for Receivers
For Inbounds processed by Interfulfillment (Example: transfers and/or purchase orders created through the Receiving endpoint).
Use the GET receivers' endpoint to call by receipts that were processed, marked as closed, and that have not already been polled.
Example GET URL Template
{{baseUrl}}/inventory/receivers?pgsiz=100&pgnum=1& Status==1; processed(closed) receiversrql=readOnly. ReceiptAdviceSendInfo. MarkInfo.Candidate!=-1; readOnly.status==1
- Capture the receiverId's that returned in the GET request to flag them as ASNSent (already polled) using our POST Receivers RASent endpoint. By flagging the receipts as ASNSent they will not return in future GET request using the GET URL template from step1.
Note once a receipt has been marked as ASNSent it cannot be unmarked.
Example POST
POST /inventory/receivers/rasentmarker HTTP/1.1
Host: box.secure-wms.com
Authorization: bearer {{EnterAccessToken Here}}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 128
"receiverIdentifiers": [
"id": 1 //identifies receiverId to be marked as ASNSent
"id": 2 //identifies receiverId to be marked as ASNSent
Expected Response: 204 no content