Item Details
Item details are entered according to the customer needs. All items sent to our facility require a sku name, product description and barcode.
Inventory allocation, counting and track by options are set up at the item level. When items are configured to track lot numbers, serial numbers and expiration dates, it is recorded into the system during the receiving process. When a new lot, serial or expiration date arrives it is stored in a different location to facilitate the order fulfillment process. When track-by’s are enabled the associates need to scan the lot, serial and/or expiration date during the pick and pack process to ensure that the correct batch is being shipped.
The below details are set-up at the item level. All details must be provided by the customer prior to any product arriving at our facility.
Item Description
The Description establishes the SKU name and other essential values.
- SKU: The main item identifier, referred to throughout the inventory process
- Product Cost: The price value of the item (required for international shipments)
- Item Description: Basic description of the item
- Primary UPC: Barcode value associated with the primary unit of measure used to identify the item
- Secondary UPC: Barcode value associated with the secondary unit of measure used to identify the item (inner carton)
- Packaging UPC: Barcode value associated with the packaging unit of measure (mastercase)
Item Inventory Options
The Inventory Options defines several fields related to inventory allocation and counting.
- Inventory Allocation Method: Defines inventory allocation logic based on item attributes First in First Out (FIFO), First Expired First Out (FEFO), Last in First Out (LIFO)
- Min on Hand: Specifies the minimum on-hand quantity for the item, used for notification alerts to report available quantities
- Max on Hand: Specifies the maximum on-hand quantity for the item, used for informational purposes
- Storage Temp: The recommended or required storage temperature for the item
- Reorder Quantity: The quantity recommended when reordering the item via a receipt or purchase order
- Days Between Counts: The number of days recommended for recounts when generating a Cycle Count Report
- Cycle Count Type: A grouping mechanism used to assign cycle count types
Item Tracking Options
The Tracking Options allow you to enable or require specific track-by's for an item.
Track-by's allow you to associate a specific value with a SKU when it's received into our warehouse so that we can use that value to trace it within the warehouse or identify that particular value during the pick/pack process. If we configure a track-by as requested by the customer, that means we cannot receive, move, pick, or pack the item without scanning or entering the associated track-by value.
- Serial Number Tracking: Options to track item by serial number value
- Outbound Mobile Serialization: Options to capture serial numbers during the packing process instead of the receiving process
- Require Scan at Pick: When checked, requires associates to specify a serial number when the item is picked
- Expiration Date Tracking: Options to track item by expiration date value
- Hold Threshold Days: Specifies the number of days before the expiration date to automatically place the item on hold and prevent it from being allocated to orders
- Require Scan at Pick: When checked, requires associates to specify an expiration date when the item is picked
- Lot Number Tracking: Options to track item by lot number value
Require Scan at Pick: When checked, requires associates to specify a lot number when the item is picked